How to Introduce Yourself in Front of the Class


When you meet people the first time it would be necessary to introduce yourself. You may need to tell them basic information about yourself so they can know you better. They will know how to call you when they want to talk to you, and you can interact better with them. For example, during the first day of classes, you do not know some of your classmates yet especially if you move to another school. So, you need to be able to introduce yourself.

What should you do before you introduce yourself?

Here are some suggestions to impress your audience when introducing yourself, especially when you are in front of a crowd.
1. Relax. Don’t be nervous. If you are relaxed, you can speak properly. You will not be trembling and you can say the words correctly.
2. Smile and be friendly. When you smile, you project a friendly personality.
3. Stand properly. Don’t stand with one leg.
4. Look at your audience spreading your sight from the middle, left to right, making random eye contacts with those who are in the audience.

What should you say or tell when you introduce yourself?

Here are some information you can tell your audience when you introduce yourself.
1. Greet your audience. You can say; hi, hello, good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Greeting your audience projects a friendly personality on your part. As a result, you give your audience an impression that you are a friendly person.
2. Firstname and lastname. – Say, My name’s Edgar Mandy.
3. Nickname – My friends call me Ed. / Just call me Ed./ My nickname’s Ed.
4) Birthday and age. – I was born on the 8th of October, 2006. I’m now 14 years old.
5) Address – I live in Kheha Romklao, Latkrabang.
6) Likes. You can mention about characteristics or qualities of people, food, subject, hobby and others. You can mention why. -Example. I like kind people. My favorite food is Spaghetti. And I love reading books.
7) Dislikes. You can mention about characteristics or qualities of people, food, subject, hobby and others. You can mention why. – I don’t like lazy people. I don’t eat pizza. I hate going out because of the hot weather.
8) What would you want to be in the future. You can tell about what work would you want to do in the future. -Example: In the future I want to be a doctor because I want to help people.
9) End your talk and thank your listeners. Example: That’s all about me. Thank you.


Good morning everyone. My name’s Ed Mandy. My friends call me Ed. I was born on the 8th of October, 2006. I’m now 14 years old. I live in Kheha Romklao, Latkrabang. I like kind and helpful people. I don’t like lazy and dishonest people. My favorite food is Spaghetti, and I love reading books. I don’t eat pizza and I don’t like going out because of the hot weather. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor because I want to help the poor and sick people. That’s all about me. Thank you.

Fill-in the blanks to introduce yourself.

Good morning everyone. My name’s ___________ __________. My friends call me ____________ . I was born on the ___________. I’m now ________ years old. I live in _______________ . I like ___________ people but I don’t like _________ people. My favorite food is ________ . I don’t eat ____________. In the future, I want to be a ____________ because I want to ___________________ . That’s all about me. Thank you.

Here is a video that you can study further to make your introduction better.


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