When introducing yourself, always remember to project a good and positive personality. Smile and greet your audience. Be aware of your posture if you need to stand in front of the class. Be polite and well-mannered. Here are some information you can include in your introduction.
WH Question Words
Using WH-Questions is very important in the quest for information. We use these words often in daily life, in classroom discussions, in teaching and even in research. So learning how to use these words properly will help you improve your writing and speaking skills.
Introductory Lesson for All Grade Levels
It’s been customary to know one another in the classroom in the first day of classes. The teacher may introduce himself/herself in a manner he/she prefers. After that, he/she may require students to introduce themselves individually. This has been a great orientation and introductory meeting at the beginning of the school year. Continue reading “Introductory Lesson for All Grade Levels”