
Read the lyrics of the song “Forevermore” below, then answer the 10 items comprehension questions by clicking the link to the quiz.


Verse 1:
I saw you standing there, so beautiful and fair,
My heart skipped a beat, I couldn’t help but stare,
Your smile lit up the room, and my world came alive,
I knew right then and there, that you were meant to be mine.


Verse 2:
You’re like a ray of sunshine, in a world so gray,
You bring me so much joy, each and every day,
Your laughter fills my soul, and your touch sets me free,
I thank God above, for bringing you to me.


You’re the one that I’ve been searching for,
My heart beats faster every time I see you,
I’ll cherish you forever, never let you go,
My pretty lady, you’re the one I love and know.


Verse 3:
You’re the reason for my smile, the reason for my laugh,
You make everything better, with just a single touch,
You’re the missing piece, that I’ve been searching for,
And I promise to love you, forever and more.


Verse 4:
I want to hold your hand, and never let it go,
I want to be with you, and watch our love grow,
I want to make you happy, in every single way,
And I promise to love you, each and every day.


You’re the one that I’ve been searching for,
My heart beats faster every time I see you,
I’ll cherish you forever, never let you go,
My pretty lady, you’re the one I love and know.

Continue reading “Forevermore”

ESL conversation for grade 9 students at a McDonald’s store

Ordering food at a fast food store is an effective ESL lesson for students. Students can enjoy remembering their favorite food while practicing English at the same time. You can also extend the conversation about things the students are doing in school. It is a fun conversation lesson that you can use in your class.  Make sure to use some important words in unlocking word meanings in the vocabulary part. Continue reading “ESL conversation for grade 9 students at a McDonald’s store”