Teaching Strategies, Games and Visual Aids
Ordering food at a fast food store is an effective ESL lesson for students. Students can enjoy remembering their favorite food while practicing English at the same time. You can also extend the conversation about things the students are doing in school. It is a fun conversation lesson that you can use in your class. Make sure to use some important words in unlocking word meanings in the vocabulary part. Continue reading “ESL conversation for grade 9 students at a McDonald’s store”
Here’s an ESL dialogue lesson about checking in at the airport counter for Grade 12 students:
Lesson Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to successfully check in at an airport counter and communicate effectively with the airport staff.
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Nowadays, students prefer using their tablets/ iPads or mobile phones in the classroom to writing in their notebooks. Let’s look closely at which one is better to use.
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