Eating Habits

What are your eating habits like?
Do you have healthy eating habits?

1. grab a bite to eat/ have a quick snack- means you are eating very small in a very quick amount of time

Answer: I am a very busy person and eating isn’t very important to me so in the middle of my workday,I will grab a bite to eat before going back to work.

If I have a second, I will havbe a quick snack but then go right back to work.

2. eat like a horse. – to eat a lot

I love to eat like a horse.
I try to eat a little bit at time but sometimes I can’t help but to eat like a horse and then take a long nap.

3. work up an appetite – you work until you are very hungry

I work so hard and forget to eat and then at the end of the day I realized I really work up an appetite. I am very hungry.

I work up an appetite most of the time.

4. eat a balance diet – you eat healthy
I try not to eat too much junk food/ bad food/ fast food too frequently. I try to eat a balanced diet so I am healthy and strong.

5. wine and dine – you are goin on a date with someone.

Answer: I usually just grab a bite to eat during the week because I am busy but on Friday night I like to wine and dine with my boyfriend/ girlfriend because its nice to sit down and enjoy our time together.

6. scarf something down – american phrase which means eating quickly- small or big food that you eat so fast.

I was at work all day and I really work up an appetite, I came home, got a huge pizza and I scarf the pizza down.

I scarf the pizza down so quickly. It was done before I blinked.

7. tuck into a meal – British which means the same as scarf something down.

I tuck into a meal so quickly that I was done before a minute went by.

8. have a sweet tooth –
I really have a sweet tooth so I like to eat sweet food.

Well, I try to have a balanced diet but I really have a sweet tooth so I love to eat candy when I can.

9. fussy eater -someone who only likes certain food

I try not to be a fussy eater but that’s just who I am.
Children are fussy eater/

10 vegetarian – someone who prefer eating vegetables/ no meat

I am a vegetarian, so I like to look for vegetarian restaurants and I don’t like to be around people who eat meat.

11. gluten free- No gluten – gluten is a protien found in wheat and rye (cerial plant) and other grains.

I’ll eat anything but my girlfriend is gluten free so we try to look for gluten free restaurants so we could both enjoy the meal together.

Source: [1]


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