How to Learn to Pronounce English Words Properly

Learning how to speak English nowadays is not so difficult with Google as your friend. You can find tons of tutorials on the web on how to speak proper English. You can also find tools that could help you learn better. Check out this pronunciation tool helper that you can use in order to speak English correctly. You can also switch from different accents if you want.

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Practice Reading and Speaking

Hi students! Here is a good reading exercise that you can do to improve your English pronunciation. You can record yourself thru your mobile phone and see how you improve your reading and speaking skills. Before you record, make sure to listen to the audio recording below. Then read the text “On a Healthy Diet”. Once you are ready, take a video of yourself while you read the paragraphs then send it to your teacher.

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How to Introduce Yourself in Front of the Class


When you meet people the first time it would be necessary to introduce yourself. You may need to tell them basic information about yourself so they can know you better. They will know how to call you when they want to talk to you, and you can interact better with them. For example, during the first day of classes, you do not know some of your classmates yet especially if you move to another school. So, you need to be able to introduce yourself. Continue reading “How to Introduce Yourself in Front of the Class”

Environmental Protection Dialogue – ESL Lesson

Mark: Hi, John. Where are you going?

John: I am going to plant some trees in our school playground.

Mark: Oh, I see.  That’s why you have a shovel and some seedlings.

John: Yes. Would you like to help me?

Mark: Sure.  Let me carry that pail of water then, so we can have something to water the plants afterward.

John: I’m so glad I saw you here.  You’re a big help.

Mark:  No worries, it’s my pleasure to help. Let’s go!

Continue reading “Environmental Protection Dialogue – ESL Lesson”