Blogging is rewarding. In this post, we are going to discuss some ways on how you can earn income through blogging so that by doing your passion of helping others, you can turn that passion into an income-generating endeavor. Here are 10 ways how you can earn in blogging.


Many business owners are willing to sponsor startup blogs even if your blog is not yet so popular.  Of course you can start small if you are still starting to blog. I’m sure that you have relatives who are business owners and are willing to spend some bucks to help you get started with your blog. You can specifically mention in your blog a business or product that your readers can use to solve a problem presented in your article. Adding some pictures of the product and the address or website of the business will be of great advertisement for your sponsoring business. So contact a relative or a friend now and ask them to sponsor your launching and in return you are going to feature them in your first post!

Promoting Local Products

Local products abound in the community. We can actually tap these small and medium entrepreneurs and tell them that we want to sell their products online. If interested, you can have a catalog of their products and choose which ones you are interested to feature in your blog. You can have a deal with them that if people inquire through your blog, they would give you small commission for promoting their products.

Promoting Local Services

Local services abound and they are easily accessible to people. However, due to lack of online exposure, they might be overlooked by the target customers. Blogs can help promote these businesses especially if your blog is popular. However, if you are not yet that popular you can still connect with these local businesses in order to create opportunities to both sides. You can promote them and benefit from your blog while they woud also be aware of your blog and may even refer to their clients. Its a win win situation!


Blogs can be an effective channel for memberships. If you are blogging an especialized niche, people may want to follow you and are willing to spend a little just to benefit with your articles and expertise. So while you are sharing some free content, spare the especialized contents for members, thus encouraging them to subscribe into your membership offer.

Digital Downloads

Digital contents for downloads are becoming more and more popular nowadays. It’s not only professionals that are engaging in digital downloads, even students. For example, school projects take time to create and many are looking for contets that are aligned to their school works, like essays, slides and presentations. By creating digital contents, you can provide a download link where your readers would pay before they can download the product.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the main sources of income of many bloggers. Writing especialized articles reviewing a particular product or talking about a specific topic is a good way to share your affiliate link. When your readers are convinced on the idea that you presented, they are likely to click on your links and make purchases.

Consultancy Services

Experts in a particular field are becoming more popular in the blogging world. For example, a lawyer may create a blog where he gives advices to people on specific topic. A teacher may log about thesis writing advices. Interested readers may stumble on your blog and contact you for a particular service consultation. There you can make money out of your consultation services.

Local Advertisements

Just like many blogs and websites that displays products and services, you can also use your blog to advertise local products. You can contact local producers and businessmen and offer your blog as a platform of advertisement. They can pay you directly on a monthly basis.

Google Adsense

Product ads are the lifeblood of blogging and Google is the frontrunner of this niche. Creating a readworthy blog would would enable you to join the Google Adsense platform. Through an approved publishers ID, you can display ads contracted by google and earn from it whenever someone clicks on the ads.

Online Store

Last but not the least, creating an online store is also a great way to earn income through blogging. Your store may carry your own product or dropshipping system. You can display even just one especialized product on your online store and focus on it. Or you can still display products just like many dropshipping sites do.

So, if you are planning to create a blog, don’t procrastinate. We have blogging packages with unlimited FREE blogging tutorials.


After paying, please contact us for the setup of your blog.