Effective keywords for SEO

In this article, you will learn how to come up with effective keywords that will pull up your article so that it will be displayed on the first rank of the search engine result, or even just on the first page of the search result. This will increase your ranking and blog hits, thus increasing your revenue. What are keywords in blogging?

Keywords are carefully chosen words that have great significance to your article. These are words that you must use in your article so that when properly they’re effectively crawled by the search engine, they will pull your content up and display it on the search result page. They are vital in blogging! Therefore as a blogger, you want to come up with significant keywords so that your article will rank on the first spot or even just on the first page of the search result. So here are things that you could do to come up with effective keywords for better SEO:

Know your goal

Before you write an article, it should be clear in mind what you want to accomplish through the article that you are about to write. For example, you have this blog about healthy living. You want to impart to your readers the importance of eating fruits and vegetables in maintaining healthy heart. You can actually divide the article into series of articles. Maybe you can focus first on fruits and in the second article focus on vegetables that are good for the heart. Ultimately, you can write your goal like, I want to educate my reader which commonly available fruits in the market that are good for the heart. Now that you have a clear goal in mind, you can now start brainstorming for your topic.

Come up with a clear topic

Based on your goal, come up with a topic. A clear topic can be disected on yopur goal. For example, your goal is to educate your reader about fruits that are good for the heart and are readily available in the market. So your topic would be “fruits for a healthy heart”. Make sure that your topic is significant to your goal.

Write a catchy title

A catchy title is something that is a head turner. When someone sees your title even in just a glance, it immediately registers in the mind and turns the readers attention to click on your link in order to read the article. That is the power of a catchy title. So, how can you write a catchy title on the topic “fruits for a healthy heart”? To be able to craft one, grab a pen and a writing note then list down possible titles that you can use. Just write a title that you think is good for the topic. Write five titles first, then if you are not yet satisfied, write more. Then read through your list and decide which titlle you think would attract your target readers.

Let’s brainstorm for a cathy title

Think of a topic

“Fruits for a Healthy Heart”

Write some possible artitcle titles

  • Eat these fruits and your heart will be healthy!
  • Fruits that will make your hearth amazingly healthy!
  • Fruits that will help you avoid heart diseases, must eat everyday!
  • Maintain a healthy heart, Eat these five fruits daily
  • Eat these fruits to make your heart strong and healthy

Choose your preferred title

Now that you have already a list of titles, you can choose one to use in your article. In order to help you decide, check out your competitors. Your competitors will give you hints on what title would be appropriate to your topic. Now that you have chosen a title, lets start listing out the keywords.

List down significant keywords

On your notes, just below your chosen title, start writing individual keywords that are significat to your topic and title. Keywords are helpful in developing a coherent article. Make sure to use these keywords later in your article for better search result. There are tons of keyword generators on the internet that you can use in order to easily list down related words to your article. Remember, effective keywords should be popular and most commonly used by your target users. To help you decide, put yourself in the shoes of the searcher and write down search keywords on Google they would likely search when researching about your topic. This way, you can effectively come up with significant keywords


In conclusion, coming up with effective keywords for better SEO is quite a process yet the result is rewarding. Write down the process and make sure that you can always go back to it and improve it whenever necessary. Make sure that you have a goal in mind before coming up with a topic to write. Your topic should be clear. Based on your topic, write a catchy title. Finally, list down significant keywords for the article that you are going to write.